
Ovarian Rejuvenation - PRP

The treatment uses PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma), which with or without stem cell therapy is the novel therapeutic approach for restoring the quality of the ovarian reserve. The PEAKTM Platelet Rich Plasma System is an innovative technology that concentrates and captures your healing potential from a small sample of your blood to make your very own platelet rich plasma (PRP). Your PRP will contain a physiologic balance of platelets, growth factors and white blood cells tailored specifically for you.

When used at the site of injury, the growth factors and other components in platelet rich plasma (PRP) have been clinically shown to potentially accelerate healing of injured or poorly healed tissue, thereby improving function and decreasing pain.

Centers in Europe and the Middle East have reported success in POF “Premature Ovarian Failure,” DOR “Diminished Ovarian Reserve,” Perimenopause, Embryo Implantation Issues – Endometrial Receptivity patients through injection of the patients’ own PRP into ovaries or Uterine Cavity and resulted in multiple pregnancies for patients that previously had no hope.

In Ovarian Rejuvenation PRP is directly injected into a patient’s ovaries with her own platelet-rich plasma (PRP), infusing the ovaries with proteins rich in growth factors and stem-cell chemoattractants. The process begins with the patient getting administered IV sedation followed by injection of PRP into the ovary, essentially the same as in-vitro only difference is we get eggs from the ovaries in that procedure, therefore in-vitro.

Post the procedure you will go to recovery and may feel some cramping. You will be able to rest around one hour prior to being discharged to return home accompanied by a family member or friend. There are minimal complications since this is similar to an egg retrieval, which has been common practice for years. The best outcome of PRP is a chance to become pregnant using your own eggs. There is no risk of blood-borne viral infections since you are only being injected with your own PRP with no synthetic materials involved at any time.

PRP can also be an added benefit for women going through Menopause as the treatment has resumed periods and helped balance out the hormones.

These are non-FDA approved therapies without scientific supportive data.

Personalized Medical Treatments