Each month,

healthy couples just have


chance of conceiving.

Source: Promexico Reports

Our Services

Intrauterine Insemination

IUI is a fertility treatment that involves placing sperm inside a woman's uterus to facilitate fertilization. The goal of IUI is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes and subsequently increase the chance of fertilization.

In Vitro Fertilization

IVF is the process of fertilization by extracting eggs, retrieving a sperm sample, and then manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. The embryo(s) is then transferred to the uterus.

Sperm Injection

The ICSI procedure involves a single sperm carefully injected into the center of an egg using a microneedle.


There are many reasons to consider growing your family through surrogacy, wheter you are a couple who has struggled with infertility, a member of LGBT community or are looking to expand your family as a single parent.

The child is not biologically related to the surrogate mother. The embryo is instead created using an egg from the intender mother or a donor and sperm from the intender father or a donor using In Vitro Fertilization.

Fertility Preservation

Egg & Sperm Freezing

Is the process of saving or protecting eggs, sperm, or embryos so that a person can use them to have biological babies in the future. These options have been an effective tool for everyone that wants to postpone parenthood for when they are ready.

Egg Donation

Egg donation is a process in which a fertile woman donates an egg, or oocyte, to another woman or couple or single men to help to conceive. It is a part of assisted reproductive technology, or ART.

The procedure typically involves a doctor removing an egg or eggs from the donor, fertilizing them in a laboratory, and then transferring the resulting embryos into the recipient’s uterus. Doctors do this using an implantation procedure, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Egg & Semen Bank

We have our own bank on site which allows us to offer options and ensure quality of eggs, embryos and donated semen. This material is for intentional single couples or parents who have conceived and are not achieving on their own.

Inside the laboratory it will be processed together with the genetic material of the father of intention and then be transferred through assisted reproduction treatments (ART)

Embryoscope ©

Built into this technology there is a microscope with a powerful camera that allows the uninterrupted monitoring of the embryo during its first hours of life. In this way, we can keep a close eye on the embryo, from the moment when the oocyte is inseminated and begins to divide into smaller and smaller cells, until it can be transferred to the uterus.

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are internationally classified as minimally invasive surgery. It covers a wide range of surgical procedures that include almost all the female pathology conditions. For those conditions related to subfertility problems, it is considered to be the treatment of choice. We apply this surgical procedure according to international guidelines, in order to help couples conceive naturally or to enhance the possibility of conception in IVF programs.

Ovarian Rejuvenation

The treatment uses PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma), which with or without stem cell therapy is the novel therapeutic approach for restoring the quality of the ovarian reserve.

Your PRP will contain a physiologic balance of platelets, growth factors and white blood cells tailored specifically for you.

On Site Fertility Lab

- Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGT-A)

- Egg Donation

- Egg, embryo & Semen Bank

Personalized Medical Treatments

What are you waiting for?
We'll be glad to meet you and do our best to help you.

Each month, healthy couples just have


chance of conceiving.

Source: Promexico Reports

Our Services

Intrauterine Insemination

IUI is a fertility treatment that involves placing sperm inside a woman's uterus to facilitate fertilization. The goal of IUI is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes and subsequently increase the chance of fertilization.

In Vitro Fertilization

IVF is the process of fertilization by extracting eggs, retrieving a sperm sample, and then manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. The embryo(s) is then transferred to the uterus. IVF is one of the most commonly used and successful fertility treatments, and is suitable for a wide variety of people and a wide variety of fertility issues. Hence, there are different types of IVF for different ages and conditions. For instance, the abc ivf criteria is best suited to women that are aged 37 or under, have a BMI under 30 and have a good ovarian reserve.

Sperm Injection

The ICSI procedure involves a single sperm carefully injected into the center of an egg using a microneedle. ICSI will likely be better for you if you are affected by sperm-related infertility. This is because ICSI is the most common and successful treatment for male infertility, as the sperm is given extra assistance. Hence, your doctor may recommend ICSI if the male has (1) a low sperm count (2) an abnormal sperm shape or motility, or (3) the sperm to be collected surgically (for example, if you have had a vasectomy).


There are many reasons to consider growing your family through surrogacy, wheter you are a couple who has struggled with infertility, a member of LGBT community or are looking to expand your family as a single parent. The child is not biologically related to the surrogate mother. The embryo is instead created using an egg from the intender mother or a donor and sperm from the intender father or a donor using In Vitro Fertilization.

Fertility Preservation

Egg & Sperm Freezing

Is the process of saving or protecting eggs, sperm, or embryos so that a person can use them to have biological babies in the future. These options have been an effective tool for everyone that wants to postpone parenthood for when they are ready.

Egg Donation

Egg donation is a process in which a fertile woman donates an egg, or oocyte, to another woman or couple or single men to help to conceive. It is a part of assisted reproductive technology, or ART. The procedure typically involves a doctor removing an egg or eggs from the donor, fertilizing them in a laboratory, and then transferring the resulting embryos into the recipient’s uterus. Doctors do this using an implantation procedure, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Egg & Semen Bank

We have our own bank on site which allows us to offer options and ensure quality of eggs, embryos and donated semen. This material is for intentional single couples or parents who have conceived and are not achieving on their own. Inside the laboratory it will be processed together with the genetic material of the father of intention and then be transferred through assisted reproduction treatments (ART)

Embryoscope ©

Built into this technology there is a microscope with a powerful camera that allows the uninterrupted monitoring of the embryo during its first hours of life. In this way, we can keep a close eye on the embryo, from the moment when the oocyte is inseminated and begins to divide into smaller and smaller cells, until it can be transferred to the uterus.

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are internationally classified as minimally invasive surgery. It covers a wide range of surgical procedures that include almost all the female pathology conditions. For those conditions related to subfertility problems, it is considered to be the treatment of choice. We apply this surgical procedure according to international guidelines, in order to help couples conceive naturally or to enhance the possibility of conception in IVF programs.

On Site Fertility Lab

- Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGT-A)
- Egg Donation
- Egg, embryo & Semen Bank

Ovarian Rejuvenation

The treatment uses PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma), which with or without stem cell therapy is the novel therapeutic approach for restoring the quality of the ovarian reserve. The PEAKTM Platelet Rich Plasma System is an innovative technology that concentrates and captures your healing potential from a small sample of your blood to make your very own platelet rich plasma (PRP). Your PRP will contain a physiologic balance of platelets, growth factors and white blood cells tailored specifically for you.

Medical Treatments

What are you waiting for?
We'll be glad to meet you and do our best to help you.